Mindfulness – What is it really?

Mindfulness is an important topic to discuss in schools because with technology and stress it is the first thing students forget about it. Cape Henry has been doing its part to keep it at the forefront of students’ minds. 

As stressed-out teenagers, we often lose sight of our purpose and remaining present while the world around seems like a never-ending cycle of meaningless work and income anxiety and stress. The upper school, this time of year, is full of stressed-out individuals. Stress is two sides, good stress is that voice in our head pushing us to be the best, but bad stress is always close by, bad stress is that voice inside telling you that you are good enough and the world is so negative. As human beings, we are all familiar with both versions of stress, but how can we control those voices inside our heads?

Mindfulness, the answer is mindfulness. Now mindfulness can come in so many varying forms, but the actual definition of mindfulness “is the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.” It is the conscious act of making yourself present; there are so many different ways to practice mindfulness. In the Cape Henry community, two people recently have come to discuss mindfulness in entirely different ways but both equally useful for their audience. 

The first individual spoke to a small group of Honors Global Health students. Jacqueline Weisberg. She brought with her so much knowledge and insight into becoming more aware. She taught the class how to meditate, which is such a valuable skill to acquire in the mindfulness world. She only came for two class periods, but she made a significant impact on the class as a whole. After she left, the group discussed how it went. While I am not going to quote the feedback because it was anonymous, people liked the tips she shared with the class. Most of the class was able to mediate well even in a school setting, which is one of the hardest places to. A few had a hard time focusing on their breathing due to school noise distractions, but overall about 97% of the class was able to concentrate there breath and attention. 

After being in that global health class and listening to her great insight, I think the whole upper school or at least all upperclassmen should get to hear her incredible insight, especially before exam season, and the end of the year rush comes in full swing. 

The other speaker to discuss mindfulness talked to a broader audience on Alumni Career Day. Dr. Nishant Patel, Cape Henry Class of 2003, spoke to the junior and senior classes about his journey through his career path. He discussed how he was always working toward a tangible goal on his path. Now he is working on staying present and mindful. 

Cape Henry recently announced a speaker coming to talk to us on Wednesday. One of his many focuses is on mental health awareness so we may get to hear more on this significant topic very soon! Stay tuned to The Lighthouse news to see what topics the speaker discusses then!