What Do Our Memories Reveal About Us?
Memories. The moments in a person’s life that are remembered in their own way. Something that can’t be bought or taken away from. Memories can make a person feel like the happiest person that has ever walked the earth, or can just solely put a damper on someone’s mood for who knows how long. However at Cape Henry, students and faculty were asked which memories are more memorable and each person added their own uniqueness to the question. However, the majority said that their favorite memories were the happy ones mainly because it boosts positivity and moods all around and just lightens the mood for everyone. Mrs. Speight, the Upper School Administrative Assistant said that she remembers the happy memories because she “wants to reminisce on the remember whens, and to just reflect on happy times, instead of focusing on sad memories.”
When thinking about something that makes a person feel sad it becomes challenging to get out of those thoughts no matter how hard a person tries, especially depending on what its about. Some advice from student Tori Orie ‘21 is to just “try and think of the positive view of things and to just find those memories that can make you laugh a lot.” Tori believes that happy memories are the best memories to relive, and are definitely the ones that stick out the most. To remind a person of these memories is extremely easy today. Just pick a phone, video, or an actual picture. A memory that significant can just stick.
The sole answer for Trevor Kidd ‘20 when asked the question: which memory would be your absolute favorite if there was any choice, was “an embarrassing memory because the feeling of being embarrassed is just so funny and profound.” No matter the memory, Trevor looks at the positive side and can always take something good out of even an embarrassing memory, just because the positive can truly stick out if a person wants it to. However, the positivity and happiness can fade, and for some people the “sad memories can have a greater effect on you than happy” as Ford Brooks ‘22 stated. More specifically Ford stated that his most significant memories come from his loved ones that aren’t here now, and having those memories is a good way to just “remember”.
Memories may present themselves different in someones head than how they actually happen. Is that a bad thing? Honestly a memory isn’t something owned it’s just a place marker of something significant happening in one’s life. A well known quote “Sometimes you never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory” rains true to just how precious one single memory can be in someone else’s mind. People learn and teach from their past memories and get to grow from them each day as they remember.
Trevor Kidd ‘20 and Will Longacher ‘20 reminisce on the past memories they’ve had at Cape Henry, now as seniors.