Cape Henry Collegiate’s Newest Flicker of Potential: CHC TV

A feature on Cape Henry Collegiate’s club, CHC TV, run by Sam Stanton and sponsored by Mr. Facemire.

Shown in the photo above is a snapshot of CHC TV’s youtube channel featuring a plethora of recorded games

Can’t make it to a soccer game you were really looking forward to or a volleyball game that you just didn’t want to miss? Want to re-watch yourself and your teammates big win on the field? CHC TV has you covered – a new club that was founded last year by Senior Sam Stanton and Mr. Facemire, both who wanted to further Cape Henry’s sports programs by providing 24/7 access to past games of each sport the school offers. 

Stanton created a youtube channel solely dedicated to CHC TV’s plethora of sports games recorded and streamed live, hopeful that doing so would bring another added aspect to sports games. Students and faculty can watch past games or matches at their leisure to see their peers play in a game they didn’t have the chance to attend.

This year, Stanton and club sponsor/co-founder, Mr. Facemire’s, “CHC TV” has developed into a fast-growing and widely popular club on campus – even recently getting recognized by CHPA, who donated a generous $10,000 in CHC TV, obviously seeing the great potential the club holds. Every game, there is always a new athlete’s achievements to record and document the happenings of each point. Facemire and Stanton’s club has even given students who aren’t so keen on sports a chance to get sports credits without actually ever touching a ball or stepping onto a court. The club offers a sports credit each rotating sports season to those who will dedicate their time after school to the club’s efforts of broadcasting.

Mr. Facemire is widely proud of his accomplished club and can be seen bragging about it (only in the most humble ways of course) to the school’s faculty, student-athletes, and families. With a busy schedule, Facemire is an active soccer coach as well as a teacher, but when he himself cannot directly help in running CHC TV, he leaves the club in Sams capable hands, along with the newest additions to CHC TV’s broadcasting team, the students of Cape Henry. Stanton’s favorite part about running their almost year-old club was “being able to design a system that we use to stream our games”, a quote which comes as no surprise from the school’s favorite techie. He says, though the system has gone through its trials and tribulations, that ultimately “the setup has become quick and easy to set up and break down” and uncomplicated enough so the other members of the club can learn how to use it seamlessly.

Club member Milena Pulley, ‘20, is close friends with Sam and recently joined the club, having recorded multiple matches and games over the span of her helping to document the strong athletic teams Cape Henry is proud to call their own. Pulley says “I’m usually planning on attending the games I record anyways, so it’s a win-win”, she can get her sports credit, help her community recognize her peers, and watch the games all at the same time. Kiara Baxter, also Class of ‘20 and friend to Sam, reveals that the reason she loves CHC TV so much is that it has “immersed me within the world of sports without having to play them”, and through such she has “learned the inner-working of the sports” the club often features. Baxter also credits CHC TV to making her feel like a “larger part of the Cape Henry community”

Both Facemire and Stanton had the bright idea for and began the club after a boys soccer game last year, 2018, so that “people around the country and world could watch their kids play a sport from mobile devices”, Cape Henry sports recaps easily accessible for relatives, faculty, and the students themselves. Ever since, the club has been overwhelmingly successful in all of its endeavors and at this rate will continue to grow positively in the coming years.