Izzy Ezagui Made a Profound Impact on CHC Community
Recently in the Cape Henry community, we were introduced to our very first Distinguished Speaker of the year, Izzy Ezagui. He spoke about his experience serving in the Israeli army and the loss of his arm on the Gaza border. Ezagui spoke about how losing his arm was the hardest battle that he had fought, but his love for serving his people in Israel was stronger than the pain he felt. Milena Pulley (’20) shared, “It is so impressive that he was able to go back to battle even after his accident. His perseverance was inspiring.” He spoke to the students trying to explain how you have to keep working through your difficult times because good will come to you. In reaction to Ezagui’s story, Sarah Blais (’20) stated, “Sometimes you have to get through the hard times even though they might seem like the end of the world. Everything will get better with time.” Cape Henry does a great job bringing in people of importance to talk about their life experiences and struggles, to help our community grow. Izzy Ezagui did an amazing job sharing his life with the community and made a major positive impact on everyone who attended his assembly.

Kiara Baxter, Class of 2020, always has her nose in a book. Not only does she enjoy reading stories, she also enjoys writing them. Journalism is a way...