Ezagui: “Everyone Has A Missing Arm”

Photo Credit: www.justizzy.com
On September 6th, Izzy Ezagui, a one-armed Israeli combat soldier, came to Cape Henry to share his story. Several CHC students were interviewed and shared positive responses.
Nico Cruz (‘22) says he thinks Cape Henry students can learn a lot from Izzy Ezagui’s story about being disabled and overcoming the worst of the world. Nico also thinks what Izzy said is very true and that everyone has their own disability, “Everyone has a missing arm.” With that being said, Nico also believes that if people put their minds to something, they can overcome any challenge.
When asked why Cape Henry brings in distinguished speakers, Taz Thompson, (‘22), replies, “so they can share their story on how they overcame a challenge in the world…”
Rob Lindauer (‘22) describes Izzy as a blind man – not actually blind, but “blind to the idea of quitting. He was put into a situation where most of us (human beings) would have called it the end of our lives, but he persevered. Not only did he rise above and beyond anyone’s expectations, he rejoined the army one armed! If you ask me, we should call him Izzy Finao because, in his life, failure was not an option.” Rob also has his own remarks about distinguished speakers at Cape Henry. He states, “Cape Henry does a spectacular job of finding the best speakers possible to give us insights into the lessons and teachings the world has to offer. Cape Henry should and does strive to bring speakers who have unique life stories that make us ponder our pasts and futures. The kind of speaker Cape Henry students want is someone who reminds us we all have lost an arm or two at some point, and that we have all pulled through.”