Distinguished Speaker Shares Story from Across the World
Katie Dibona (‘19) was eager to talk about the most recent distinguished speaker, Izzy Ezagui. The way he perseveres through life inspired Katie. When he basically had to learn how to change his everyday activities such as tying his shoes, trimming his nails, and writing, Ezagui shared how these ordinary tasks were very difficult. For most of us, we don’t think twice about doing these things because we take them for granted. To describe Izzy in two words, Katie said he is influential and determined. These are only a few of the characteristics that make Izzy stand out from just any other distinguished speaker.
Ali Gordon (‘20) noticed Izzy Ezagui wasn’t afraid to speak about his daily struggles. She admired the fact that Ezagui was immediately thinking about going back to serve in the Israeli military after his accident. Ali can relate to Izzy because she is also Jewish and feels a connection with him in that way. Ali is thankful for Cape Henry bringing in distinguished speakers because it gives us the opportunity to hear stories from across the world. She suggested bringing in Lebron James or Will Ferrell as other eye-opening speakers who could have a lot to share with the Cape Henry community.