Izzy Ezagui: An Engaging, Entertaining Speaker

For many of the students at Cape Henry, distinguished speaker Izzy Ezagui’s speech was very entertaining. He knew how to not only keep the audience engaged with his humor but also with his story of perseverance.  These factors resonated the most with students like Ethan Jones ‘19 and Joey Gianascoli ‘22.

When asked about his thoughts of Izzy Ezagui, Ethan described him as a “savage,”, for he got “his arm blown off and had the courage to back into the army almost a year and a half later.” Joey really enjoyed how Izzy could “make the most out of what he had, even after his terrible accident.” From Ethan’s perspective, a lesson to be learned from Izzy is that “every loss has a lesson to be learned and can be taught to others to help them grow.” From Joey’s perspective, he believed that we can all “learn to be humble and appreciative” from Izzy and his life story. Both Joey and Ethan would like to have “more inspiring” and “funny” speakers come to speak to the community.