Dylan Cake – Student Spotlight

If you have not already heard the news of senior Dylan Cake from Mr. Angilly this year, then here is your chance to learn something that most people don’t know about him. Cake has been a student here at Cape Henry for the past 7 years participating in swimming, lacrosse, and the drama department. According to his family, he’s a kind, hardworking young man that they are extremely proud of. His friends, on the other hand, know him more as a “loose cannon,” just looking for a fun time. Recently, Cake has decided to take a different route after graduating that few students from CHC venture toward. Cake has made a courageous decision to enlist in the United States Coast Guard after graduating from CHC.
When asked what is motivation was, he responded with, “I have the ability to serve my country and pay back just a little bit of what this country has done for me….no one really encouraged me to enlist. I just feel like it’s something that I have and want to do. I love this country and would be honored to serve it. Plus it’s a great opportunity to travel the world and learn new traits that I would never learn otherwise.”
Dylan Cake has always been the person to lend a helping hand and be there when others need him. He says that those attributes have evolved from his time as a Virginia Beach Oceanfront Lifeguard. These same attributes are also the key traits that members of our military forces must have. Further, he went on to say that the satisfaction he receives from helping others was his main reason in joining the Coast Guard.
His decision has earned him the respect of many students, including myself, and multiple staff members have openly expressed their support of him. To Cake, community has always played a huge role in his life, and he really enjoys the fact that he is at a school with such a strong sense of family and core values. Having a supportive community has really had an impact on his decision in which he is very grateful for. Cake has done an excellent job representing CHC’s core values during his time here as a student, and we hope that these values will carry on in his life and will have an impact on him while serving. Our CHC community is very proud of you, Dylan, and wish you the best of luck as your new journey unfolds. Thank you for choosing to serve your country and all your accomplishments here at Cape Henry!

Philip Usonis, better known as Phil, has been a phenomenal student-athlete for the past 8 years. He is a special student who takes interest in things that...