K5K honors 10 years of running to remember

This year, community members will have a chance to honor Mrs. Kendra Atherton and her battle with cancer at the 10th Annual K5K, A Run for Kendra, Nov. 19. Mrs. Kendra Atherton was a parent to three Cape Henry Collegiate graduates: Katie, Carter, and Hunter Atherton. This is an event that is well known at Cape Henry Collegiate with many students and faculty becoming involved in the good cause. Some of the Cape Henry Collegiate staff have also been involved, or running this race since it originally started.
One of the staff is Mrs. Deanna Thompson, who works in admissions. Mrs. Thompson has taken part in this race since 2015, which is seven years of being a part in this event. This year, she is hosting a tent with Mrs. Amanda Hayes, the head of the middle school, where they will represent Cape Henry. Mrs. Thompson describes the tent as a place for our people to gather. Mrs. Thompson knew the Athertons through the Cape Henry community, but knew Mr. Atherton the best because he was a board chairman. The Athertons were a big part of the community and by hosting a tent, it is a way to honor Kendra and to show how impactful the family was on the community.
To add to Kendra’s loving spirit, she was very involved in her alma mater Virginia Tech. The fee to run the race is collected in order to provide a scholarship to benefit high school graduates who have lost a parent to cancer. The recipients of this scholarship must display and represent the qualities Kendra had. All together, a run for Kendra has rewarded future college students with $115,000 worth of scholarships. The K5K isn’t just a fun race, but it is also beneficial to the community.
Kendra had many traits that our Cape Henry community, along with the rest of Virginia Beach, miss. She had a loving, warm personality and was passionate for what she did. She lit up every room she entered and made an impact on many people’s lives.
“Our mom left an impact on many families here,” Ms. Katie Atherton said. “No matter what obstacles she faced, she was always positive.”
Kendra was a fitness instructor and personal trainer at Inlet Fitness. She stayed very active along with her kids being active in different sports. She adored Katie, Hunter, and Carter and to honor her life, they decided to create the K5K to keep her spirit alive. They wanted to help others who may be experiencing the same situation.
“We hope to see you all out at this year’s K5K to help us honor her and give back to those who have faced this tough situation,” Ms. Katie Atherton said.
Kendra Atherton was a big Hokies fan, as it was her alma mater, and that is why her family decided to honor her legacy in a scholarship for upcoming college students. The family makes donations and rewards scholarships. Virginia Tech named the Athertons family of the year in 2019. The family’s goal is to positively impact the lives of as many students as possible.
The Cape Henry community is very involved in good causes, with the K5K being only one example. Students and teachers can become more involved, not just to benefit the Cape community, but to help the community around the School.
To learn more about the K5K and sign up, visit https://www.k5k.run/.