Student Spotlight on Cole Downs, Class of 2021

Cole Downs in the class of 2021 was interviewed with questions regarding his personal life and fun facts about him. Cole has been attending Cape Henry Collegiate since his freshman year of high school, and this will be his senior year. Cole is not the only one in his family attending Cape Henry; he mentioned his younger brother, Reid, also attends Cape. Cole was born and has spent his entire life living in Virginia Beach. Cole is involved with activities and clubs at Cape,” I am involved in the Operation Smile club and play on the golf team.” Like many others, Cole is hopeful that a legit season will take place for golf this year. With Coronavirus delaying everyone’s normal routine and making this school year like no other, Cole is very hopeful that his golf season will return.
Cole expressed his appreciation towards the Cape Henry community,” I love the feeling of being part of a community, as I feel that everyone is friends with each other. For example, I feel that I have friends in every single grade of the upper school.” Cole is seen as genuine and outgoing within the Cape Henry community and is familiar with the majority of our community. Cole intends on going to the University of Virginia and either plans on going into dentistry or law.
Cole has also shared some interesting, fun facts about himself. Many people know Cole as a huge Saints fan, and was asked a question about choosing one person dead or alive and having the opportunity to have a conversation with them, “I would talk to Drew Brees, because he is basically my idol.” Cole’s favorite childhood movie is Star Wars, he is a huge country music fan, and enjoys government drama TV shows. Cole, being a golfer, would choose to spend his free time golfing, and if he could go on a shopping spree, he would shop at Golf Galaxy. Cole has enjoyed learning from Mr. Willis, Mr. Rudolph, Mrs. Self, and Mrs. Olsen the most in his Upper School experience. Cole is proud of earning a merit scholarship at Cape Henry, as this scholarship is only given to a select few in each class.