#BestYearEver with Mrs. Leigh Anne Clay

Upper and middle school teacher Mrs. Clay is returning for her fourth year at Cape Henry and is ready to take on the year with her classes. The highlight of her first week at Cape Henry is the idea of a fresh start. Not only for herself but for everyone. It is a chance to hit the reset button and start the year new. She has worked with Mr. Walker on combining the yearbook and journalism class to be an amazing and cohesive class. She especially loves all of the new technology that has been added to the journalism room. One thing that has been the hardest part is keeping up the energy because “summer mode” is still headstrong. Mrs. Clay is looking most forward to a big journalism class – 20 people because that is something entirely new. Mrs. Clay is ready to continue teaching at the Cape Henry, an amazing place where she can not only teach what she loves but be with who she loves, her kids.

Kiara Baxter, Class of 2020, always has her nose in a book. Not only does she enjoy reading stories, she also enjoys writing them. Journalism is a way...