#BestYearEver with Sam Stanton – Class of 2020
For his final year at Cape Henry Collegiate, Sam Stanton decided to pull out all the stops to make his, and everyone’s, senior year amazing. Not only did Sam create an amazing senior lounge, with the help of Katie Bouch, but he also is planning to continue to introduce new things and ideas into the Cape Henry Community. One of the hardest things for Sam this year is having to leave all the work that he has put into the school behind when he goes to college. With each project that Sam completes, he pours everything he has into it to make sure it is perfect for our community. “I am ready to have an amazing year, but to also begin a new chapter in my life,” Sam shared. He is looking forward to continuing his love for technology into his college years. One new thing is the CHC TV club that he started last year. This year an abundance of members have joined and are being prepared to take over the club when he is gone. Sam stated that he was going to try not to “put other things before homework, and prioritize major assignments”. To Sam, Cape Henry is an amazing place to go to school because of how inclusive it is and how everyone in the community holds each other up and supports each other. Sam is ready to finish strong this year and make a major impact.

Kiara Baxter, Class of 2020, always has her nose in a book. Not only does she enjoy reading stories, she also enjoys writing them. Journalism is a way...