Chris Singleton – What a privilege to hear his message


Cape Henry had the privilege of having a gentleman named Chris Singleton come and speak to our school. He taught us a message of love, don’t hate. The majority of students loved him and only had positive things to say about his message.

When I spoke to Abby Glenn about it, she told me how she felt he was courageous for speaking about such a sensitive topic, she was able to relate to the recent death of her grandfather. She also said she thinks what he has to say is important because racism is still a big issue today.

Another boy I spoke about Chris Singleton, Grahame Brown, was quite the contrary, he said he could not relate because he lives a good life, but he still respected the positive message and Chris’s struggle. 

The last person I spoke to was Allison Jared. She said that he was a very brave man for being able to forgive. She also appreciated the anti-racism message.

Overall Chris Singleton was a great speaker for Cape Henry.