Winter Dance Showcase
The Cape Henry Dance program has made tremendous strides throughout this year with their program. This year’s Winter Dance Showcase was performed with poise and creativity and was directed solely by Mrs. Ericka Ricks, the team’s dance teacher. One longtime dancer, Sierra Guluzian, shared that, “The dance season has really been passing all expectations. Each season, the dances get better and the dancers get closer. I really enjoy dancing with everyone, and we are all super close. The team only has eight members this winter season, but the dances we have been working on are so amazing. I am so thankful for every one of my fellow dancers, and of course to Mrs. Ericka Ricks for all the amazing work she has done to grow the dance program.”
The team works hard on making each individual performance its own and single-handedly creating a new show every time, each just as creative as the last. Without the guidance of Mrs. Ericka Ricks, the dance program would not be as successful and creatively driven as it is today. Each dance, whether group or solo, is perfectly placed with emotionally moving music and choreography to match. Another one of the dancers, Emily Skroch, shared, “This dance season has been better than any of the dancers could have imagined. Having a team that is made up of fewer people and only having one dance teacher seemed like disadvantages at the beginning, but in the end, the personal connections made communication easier.” It is more beneficial the way that the dancers can work one-on-one with Mrs. Ericka Ricks. This ended up making their dances even better than they could have ever imagined. There were only a few for the winter season but together they created a beautiful performance, amazing the audience.

Kiara Baxter, Class of 2020, always has her nose in a book. Not only does she enjoy reading stories, she also enjoys writing them. Journalism is a way...