#whychc – Mrs. Wong – Math Teacher
For Mrs. Wong, transitioning to Cape Henry Collegiate after considering herself retired from teaching at Tallwood High School, has been an awesome experience. It truly feels like her second home. The Onboarding committee did a great job making sure she was well acquainted with everything coming into the school year, and the kids have welcomed her into the community as well. Going from a public school environment to a private one, she has noticed a few differences with the community. Mrs. Wong stated, “It is a smaller, closer-knit community than the public schools. Everyone seems to know everyone, and I enjoy being able to walk down the hallways and identify most of the students by name, saying hello to everyone.” It wasn’t everything she expected when she decided to take the position at Cape Henry. “I did not know that the school offered scholarships to students, or that there was such a variety with lunch. I also didn’t know a majority of the faculty have one or more of their own children attending Cape Henry,” Mrs. Wong shared. Joining the Cape Henry community has been a positive experience for Mrs. Wong, but it is only the beginning of the year and there is a whole school year that awaits her.

Kiara Baxter, Class of 2020, always has her nose in a book. Not only does she enjoy reading stories, she also enjoys writing them. Journalism is a way...