#whychc – Mr. Angilly – Director of Student Life

Without hesitation, Mr. Angilly, Dean of Upper School students, shared his highlight of the first week back to school. “It was unquestionably hearing Grayson Bunn (‘23) speak to the student body about opportunity at convocation.” Mr. Angilly continued, “It was especially amazing to see him stand in front of the senior class as an eighth grader, and challenge all of them to make the most of their year.” As the week progressed, Angilly found that the biggest struggle of the first week was “just getting the students to understand the purpose behind wanting all of the students to remain in the cafeteria during lunch.” He is sure that everything will straighten out as time goes on. Mr. Angilly thrives off of working at CHC. “The best part about coming to work is the student energy. It is a lot of fun to deal with students, and my colleagues are extremely passionate about what they do every day. There is never a time when I see them going through the motions, and that’s why I would honestly argue that the school year is better than summer vacation to me.”