#whychc – Tina Zou – Class of 2019

Senior Tina Zou (‘19) is in her final year at Cape Henry after traveling from China through the New Oasis International Education program. When describing her first week back at school, she said that she loves seeing all of her teachers and friends and mentioned that “everyone says ‘Hi’ to you and asks about your summer. It feels good since that wouldn’t happen in China.” As a senior, Tina is a little overwhelmed with trying to juggle homework and college applications at the same time, which makes time management a struggle and gives her less time to sleep. Tina loves going to school at Cape Henry because “all the teachers care about you, which is really different from other schools. Each of us has a teacher that you can talk to and share a story with.” I think any student (including myself) can relate to Tina’s words of wisdom, agreeing that CHC is a wonderful place to go to school.