Recently, Parker Mann, Class of 2021, was interviewed as part of the Student Spotlight series. The senior is very familiar with Cape Henry Collegiate, as he’s been attending the school for nine years. In addition, his brother, aunt and uncle all went to Cape in the past. In his many years at Cape Henry, Parker’s favorite teachers that he’s had include Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Dodzik, Mr. Souther, and Mr. Woodhouse. Parker’s favorite class at Cape is Marine Biology, further demonstrating his passion for the ocean. When asked about something he wished he knew how to do, Parker replied that he wanted to learn how to “surf like a pro”. Furthermore, Parker’s store of choice for a shopping spree would be RVCA or any surf store.
Parker said he is usually viewed as “…determined, which [he] think[s] is accurate”, as well as happy-go-lucky and funny due to his positive attitude. While maintaining an optimistic outlook, Parker also has a calm, relaxed side. He enjoys going with the flow, and all he wants others to do is “…respect [him] and see [him] as a kind, compassionate person”, which he strives to be. If he had two hours of free time, Parker would want to go to the beach and play soccer. Finally, if a movie were to be made about his life, Parker would want to be portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio because “…he’s one of the best actors”.
Another aspect of Parker’s life that is very important to him is soccer. Apart from overcoming various academic and personal obstacles, one of Parker’s crowning achievements is winning the trifecta with the boys’ varsity soccer team his first year joining. In fact, in regards to college, the senior claimed he wants to “…try and walk on for soccer, while still being able to continue [his] education”, proving his dedication and commitment to the sport while also reaching for the best education possible. To further prove his love for the game overall, Parker would choose Lionel Messi given the opportunity to talk to any person, dead or living.
Overall, Parker is a determined, aspiring student who has high hopes for his future. He would like to move away from Virginia when he’s older, as Parker has spent his entire life in the state; he wants to move “…somewhere out west preferably” after college. As his senior year begins, Parker begins to prepare for college applications as well as the rest of his life ahead of him.